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How to Download the Cambridge IELTS Academic Exam Books for free?

Cambridge has published many IELTS course materials or books over the time for the students to prepare for IELTS. Started from Cambridge IELTS 1 and now latest book Cambridge IELTS 14 is available in the market. Every single books is important for IELTS preparation and individual practices. Students who are planning to prepare for IELTS, I'd like to suggest you buy a hard copy of Cambridge IELTS course materials from the bookstalls and start practicing. However, if you don't want to use hard copy, and if you are comfortable with computers, download IELTS books as PDF from the internet.

 How to Download the Cambridge IELTS Academic exam Books for free?

The Cambridge IELTS course materials are own by Cambridge University Press and they are authorized to sell or modify their products. If you would like to buy genuine products from Cambridge, please visit their website and purchase.
Well, there’s a number of options available to download Cambridge IELTS book as pdf without any cost.

First and the easiest one is that there’s a lot of public websites on the internet offering IELTS Course materials as pdf. By doing google you may find thousands of such websites. However, most of them are paid version only. So, it needs time and dedication to find a proper link. However, if you don't want to do research by yourself, you may visit the download page of blog to find out and download all the books from 1 to 14 as PDF.
Download Cambridge IELTS Academic Books Free

Secondly, to download ILETS course materials as free, you may find some IELTS helping group on Facebook. By joining such a group you can ask your fellow members to share pdf books with you. You will definitely find many helping minded people there. IELTS free preparation 2019 is such a group. I’ve found students share their course materials via google drive with their fellow members. So, this is an easy way to find any sorts of books not limited to Cambridge course materials only. There are many facebook groups available nowadays. So, find the best one for you.

Furthermore, many students use YouTube for listening practice, so you may not download any book, but, still, you could practice online from youtube. There are some websites i.e. from where you can practice directly. They have lots of course materials for practice online. Moreover, is another site from where you could find valuable writing samples and resource. Worth reading.


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