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IELTS Orientation


1. Success Starts with IELTS British Council 2012
2. Overview• What is IELTS?• Test Format• Test Modules• What makes us your first choice?• Registration
3. What is IELTS? Designed to assess the Englishlanguage ability of people who intend to study or work where English is the language of communication

4. The Partners
5. Modules• Academic• General Training
6. IELTS Test Results• Test Result is valid for 2 years• A band score is awarded per subtest (LRWS)• Band score ranges from 1-9• There is no passing or failing mark
7. Band scores• Band 9 - Expert User• Band 8 - Very Good User• Band 7 - Good User• Band 6 - Competent User• Band 5 - Modest User• Band 4 - Limited User• Band 3 - Extremely Limited User• Band 2 - Intermittent User• Band 1 - Non User
8. IELTS Test Format Listening 30 minutesAcademic reading General training reading 60 minutes 60 minutesAcademic writing General training writing 60 minutes 60 minutes Speaking 11-14 minutes
9. Listening TestTiming: approx. 30 minutes + 10 minutes transfertimeQuestions: 40 itemsTypes of questions: multiple choice, matching,plan/map/diagram labelling, form and notecompletion, table completion, flow-chartcompletion, summary completion, sentencecompletion, short-answer questions)
10. Listening TestTest Parts: 4 sectionsSection1: conversation between two people set in everydaysocial contextSection2: monologue set in everyday social contextSection3: conversation between up to 4 people set in aneducational or training contextSection4: monologue on an academic subject
11. Listening TestSkills Assessed:•Understanding of main ideas and specific factual information•Recognising opinions, attitudes and purpose of the speaker•Following development of an argument
12. Reading TestTiming: 60 minutes no transfer timeQuestions: 40 itemsTest Parts: 3 sections with a total text length of2,150-2,750 wordsTypes of questions: multiple choice, identifyinginformation (True/False/Not Given), identifying writer’sview/claims (Yes/No/Not Given), matching (information,headings, features, sentence endings), sentencecompletion, summary completion, note completion, tablecompletion etc
13. Academic Reading Test• Texts are authentic and taken from books,journals, magazines and newspaper 3 sectionswith a total text length of 2,150-2,750 words•Written for non-specialist audience and are onacademic topics of general interests•Text range from descriptive and factual todiscursive and analytical•May contain non-verbal materials such asdiagrams
14. GT Reading Test• Section 1 contains two or three factual texts. Topics arerelevant to everyday life in an English-speaking country.•Section 2 contains two factual texts focusing on workrelated issues•Section 3 contains one longer, more complex text on atopics of general interest.•Text are authentic taken from notices, ads, companyhandbook, books, magazines, newspaper and officialdocument
15. Reading TestSkills Assessed:•Reading for gist•Reading for main ideas•Reading for detail•Understanding inferences and implied meaning•Recognising a writers opinion, attitudes and purpose•Following the development of an argument
16. Writing TestTiming: 60 minutesTasks: there are two tasksCandidates are required to write at least 150words in task 1 and at least 250 words in task twoTest Parts: 2 parts
17. Academic Writing TestTask 1: Presents a table, graph, chart or diagramCandidate must describe and explain data,describe the stages of a process, describe anevent or an object from a given,Task 2: Write an essay in response to a point ofview, argument or problemResponse for both task should be written in aformal style.
18. GT Writing TestTask 1: Candidates are presented with a situationand are asked to write a letter. The letter maybepersonal, semi-formal or formal in style.Task 2: Write an essay in response to a point ofview, argument or problem. The essay can beslightly more personal in style than Academic.
19. WritingTestSkills Assessed:Ability to write a response which is appropriate in terms of:•Content•Organisation of ideas•Accuracy•Vocabulary•Grammar
20. Speaking TestTiming: 11-14 minutesTasks: A face-to-face interview with an examiner.The speaking test is recorded.Parts: 3 partsPart 1: Introduction and interview (3-4 mins)The examiner confirms candidate identity and askgeneral questions on familiar topics e.g. home
21. Speaking TestPart 2: Individual long turn (3-4 minutes)•Candidate is given a task card•Candidate is given 1 minute to prepare their talk•Candidate talks for 1-2 minutes•Examiner then asks the candidate 1-2 questionson the same topic
22. Speaking TestPart 3: Two-way discussion (4-5 minutes)•Examiner asks further questions related to topicon part 2•These questions can give the candidate anopportunity to discuss more abstract issues andideas
23. Speaking TestSkills AssessedA wide range of speaking skills is assessed including:•Ability to communicate opinion and information oneveryday topics, experiences etc by answering a range ofquestions•Ability to speak at length using appropriate language andorganising ideas coherently•Ability to express and justify opinion and to analyse,discuss and speculate about issues
24. Speaking Test Criteria• Fluency: talking at a natural rate without causing too much effort for the listener.• Vocabulary range• Grammatical Range and Accuracy• Pronunciation
25. What makes IELTS andthe British Council your first choice?
26. Expert Designed by experts, trusted around the world•Consistent and and fair to everyone regardless ofage, gender, race•Trusted and recognised by institutions, business andGovernments•Endorsed by thousands of experts from universities,professional bodies, government agencies andemployers.
27. International Delivered locally, recognised globally• Available in over 300 locations across 120 countries worldwide• 13 test locations in the Philippines• One of the most frequently available tests choose from up to 3 test dates each month• Results available 13 days after the test• Test fee payable in local currency, Php 8640
28. Personal Our tests are shaped by your needs• Format allows ease of preparation and review• You know what to expect• Personal, private and calm speaking interview space• Free support resources from the British Council
29. Value for Money•Free 30-hour access to Online RTI•Opportunity to purchase the full 120-hrs Road to IELTS (RTI) CD ROM•Free IELTS preparation materials online•Free use of IELTS Resource Centre•Information rich
30. Value for Money•Information rich Facebook Fan Page•SMS service text 0908.89-43587 (090889-IELTS) for information about the IELTS test•Comfortable and accessible test venuesnationwide•Knowledgeable, professional and friendlystaffs
31. Value for Money•Online test result Facility•Free sending of application forms through wwwexpress (DHL local)•Free delivery of Test Report Form•Complimentary sending of TRF anywhere in theUK, CGFNS/ICHP•Affordable and fixed courier fee (Php1,200) forother destinations
32. How to register? •Visit the British Council office or ourAuthorised Registration Agents nationwide •Bring the following requirements: •2 pcs passport size photos •Photocopy of valid ID •Test fee amounting to Php8640
33. Register with British Council!The world is waiting! British Council


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