This topic is related to PTE Academic Short Answer Questions with Answers. Here you will find all popular short questions with answer. There will be around 10 short questions in real test and you will hear a recorded script for every single short question once only. Based on the asked question, you have to record your answer in given duration. There is a nice article from where you may learn details about PTE Academic Test Format.
You may enrich your knowledge by practicing following short questions and answers.
You may enrich your knowledge by practicing following short questions and answers.
PTE Academic Short Answer Questions with Answers Part 1
- Question: A book written by a person about their own life. Answer: autobiography
- Question: What organ do cardiologist specialized in? Answer: heart
- Question: What is the term used for the sun's energy? Answer: solar energy
- Question: Which of these animals is fastest a lion, a tiger, a leopard? Answer: a leopard
- Question: What is the term used for life history of a person written by himself? Answer: autobiography
- Question: Which product dry from trees is used to make furniture? Answer: wood
- Question: How many years does a millennium have? Answer: one thousand
- Question: What will be the opposite of compulsory service? Answer: voluntary service
- Question: What is the most common medium of exchange for buying and selling goods and services? Answer: money/ currency
- Question: If a physician treats our body what does a psychiatrist treat? Answer: mind/ mental illness
- Question: Something that can be eaten is edible what is something that can be heard? Answer: audible
- Question: What is the intervening stage of between a child and an adult? Answer: juvenile/ adolescent
- Question: What is the term use for the principal male character opposite a hero in a movie or story? Answer: villain/ antagonist
- Question: If zoology is the science of life of animals what is the term used for the science of life of plants? Answer: botany
- Question: What is the one word that can mean to hit or to stir as to make an omelet? Answer: beat
- Question: An important happening is an event, what is an unexpected happening? Answer: accident
- Question: How many continents do we have on earth five, seven or nine? Answer: seven
- Question: What do we call a place where airplanes land and take off? Answer: Airport
- Question: The sun is part of a large group of stars, what is the group of stars called? Answer: galaxy/ Milky way
- Question: What device tells us time? Answer: watch/ clock
- Question: What indicates a smaller number, a majority or a minority? Answer: a minority
- Question: What is the term use for the principal character opposite a villain in a movie or story? Answer: hero/ protagonist
- Question: What is the term used for see-through items such as clear glass? Answer: transparent
- Question: A triangle has three sides, how many sides does a quadrilateral have? Answer: four
- Question: What is the place at home where you cook food? Kitchen? Answer: illiterate
- Question: What is the term used for a professional who practices law? Answer: Lawyer
- Question: Which of these is greater, a billion or a trillion? Answer: a trillion
- Question: What is the term used for water falling rapidly from the sky in drops? Answer: rain/ rainfall
- Question: What is the name given to a handheld device used to click a photograph? Answer: Camera
- Question: What is the one word that is the lowest part or bottom of something and also the other word for alkali? Answer: base
- Question: If an antiseptic destroys germs which substance destroys bacteria? Answer: antibiotic
- Question: What is the flesh of an animal used as food known as? Answer: meat
- Question: What is the term used for raised tall geographical structures that usually have cooler climate? Answer: hills/ mountains
- Question: What covers a greater part of earth’s surface, land or water? Answer: water

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